
Open Antikythera

Created by S&T Geotronics

An Open-Source replica of the legendary device for all. Build your own or reserve your hand-crafted masterpiece today.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Project Update
5 months ago – Sun, Apr 07, 2024 at 02:59:38 PM


 Just as we thought we were done designing and producing our various Open Antikythera UpFront parts (including all brass axles) and filming the production prototype unboxing and assembly, we realized we have a gear that is 1mm short.

 Well, you would think "no big deal", right? - Let's redo and replace this gear.

Not so fast: It quickly escalates into 9 different parts (laser, 3d printed, and milled), redesigned (including a laser cut acrylic midplate and one brass axle needing redone longer) or newly created, like our new anti-wobbling moon double gear stabilizer.

 All that to say,

A) we are sorry it delays shipping of the Open Antikythera UpFront kits, but

B) we are so happy we caught this before shipping our kits.

 No worries, James has already redesigned and/or created the new pieces and we plan to ship the kits in April.

 Have a quick peek at the unboxing experience we have created for you:

As part of this process, we also created an alternative assembly video playlist available on our YouTube channel.

  • Marc & James

February Progress report
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 02:49:15 PM

We are proud to announce that we are getting very close to the shipping of our Open Antikythera UpFront Kits and we appreciate the patience of our wonderful Kickstarter community. Once UpFront Kits are shipped, we will then focus on assembling and shipping Assembled/Tested units (with and without wood sides).

The milling of the numerous Brass axles, rods and dowels is taking considerable time, but we are starting to see the light at the end of this tunnel with over 400 pieces milled, out of the 500 required for UpFront kits and assembled/tested units. 

80% of Brass Axels, Rods and Dowels done for UpFronts

Most of the other components have already been fabricated from the various raw materials. Yep, our two industrial laser cutters have been very busy!

We are now planning the packaging. With so many components of different shapes, and shipping across the world, we want to make sure your kit arrives in good condition and no piece is missing.

We are currently locking down all the addresses of the UpFront kit backers as we prepare to ship in the next few weeks. If you backed us up at the UpFront kit level AND moved since the Kickstarter ended, please update your address in Backerkit ASAP.

Please note: We are still missing the address of 7 backers total as they did not fill their survey yet. If this is you, please fill your survey at your earliest convenience.

Thank You,

- James & Marc

January Update
8 months ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 08:08:01 PM

We are so grateful to have such an engaged and active audience, & we are so excited to get the Open Antikythera in your hands!
In the interest of keeping you guys informed, we’re right on schedule, having already shipped every single order in the "Keychain" and “Poster” reward level. We are currently in the process of laser cutting the over 3,200 custom gears and milling the 2,400 Brass Axles and Rods for the kits and production units! We’re confident that the “UpFront Kit” reward level will be fully shipped by March, and that we’ll be able to keep our anticipated timeline.

Some Laser cut gears and all 3D printed components

As some of you know, this is our 3rd (very successful) Kickstarter, so we feel we have learned some important lessons from the other 2 and we applied what we learned and continue to learn as we go forward.

We can't wait (but we will) to finish fulfillment on this Kickstarter before we start working on our solid Brass unit. Even though, none was ordered during Kickstarter, from the overwhelming feedback we received, it is obvious to us that there is a need for a commercial full Brass, fully functioning, low friction Open Antikythera.

Thank you for your support!

- Marc and James

More Development
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 05:12:08 PM

We forgot to mention in our previous update that whether you ordered an UpFront or FullMonty "Laser Only Kit", we have now released our UpFront 3D STL files, along with the PDFs that describe them and the PDF that describes all the Brass Axles and Rods you will need to produce. You can get a head start during the holiday season...

Here is where you can find them:

Open Antikythera (

Or simply go to, click on PRODUCTS, DOWNLOADS and then click on Open Antikythera and then click on the 3 dots on the right side of "UpFrontMilledBrassAxles" to download the specs of the Brass axles and Rods, "UpFront3DPrintedPartsSTL" for 3D printer files, and "UpFront3DPrintedPartsPDF" for the specs and purpose of each 3D printed file.

While all of these files are aimed (and needed) to build an UpFront unit, most will also be needed for a FullMonty unit and the few useless parts will serve as a good practice/machine tuning experience for your FullMonty Laser only kit until we release these files before April 2024.

Thank You for your support!

Merry Christmas!
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 09:43:31 AM

We are happy to report that we are still on schedule as we have completed the shipment of the (Posters Only) for all backers who provided us their addresses. We are very happy with the results, and we invite you to look at what our final designs looks like.

(From left to right): Walnut, 2Tone Acrylic, Cherry and Mahogany

NOTE: We still have 10 backers that have not completed their Backerkit surveys and without it, we will not be able to ship rewards to them.

Backer Lost Their Survey?

If a backer lost their survey email, or says they never received one, you can guide them to the survey recovery page! They can enter their email address to receive another survey link.

Our 3D printers are currently busy printing the 1200 standoffs required to fulfill all the backers and James and I are busy sorting all the design files and documenting each component sets. We anticipate getting our Laser cutter very busy just before year end. Preparing all custom brass axles and rods will be the most tedious task but we figure once we get started, it should move at a steady pace.

Expect another update from us in January.

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!

- Marc & James